Saturday, 7 March 2009

Migrant Workers Brief

Assignment: You are required to produce a feature story for World Picture Network on the theme of Migrant Workers. For this assignment there are no specific instructions on meta data. The images (we expect between 4 & 6) should be related to a positive news story about the benefits of migrant workers and you should consider protecting the images against being used for a negative story on the same subject.

This project was really tough, probaly the toughest days shooting on the course so far. The biggest thing that made this project a real challenge was the "positive" twist. It is very easy to shoot a negative story on migrant workers but there are so many negative stories and the theme of migrant workers in China has been covered so much. It is important to have positive stories out there so that both sides are covered, however, on the day of shooting it was raining and snowing! It is so hard to shoot any story in a positive way outdoors in rain and snow, but it really tests your photography skills (and the waterproofing on your camera). I have posted the 6 submitted images on my website but I have also posted other images on flickr I must point out that the images on flickr don't all fit the brief and I am aware of the possible nagative use of some of the individual images, however I feel it it a strong set and on whole it has a postitve feel. I have also decided to post them in grayscale as I feel it hides some of the dirt and gloom that could be seen as being nagative.

1 comment:

  1. Good project old chap, I think you fulfilled the brief quite well, mainly retaining photo's with an air of happiness, even the one where bin liners are used as raincoats! I don't think you should concentrate your thoughts so heavily on migrant work being mostly negative, I know there are many issues which need to be ironed out but it is clearly a better situation for the individual as they will most usually of migrated from a far greater oppressed society.

    Also just like to say marvelous work on the website, did you really design it your self, if so we might be getting a lot closer to that online photography project we discussed?

    Samuel Smart
